☑ Who is Saraswati? In which ways she is worshipped? In which form she is revered? The story of the birth of Goddess Saraswati:
One day Prajapati Brahma is getting ready for the creative work, sitting quietly in meditation. Just when he was thinking about what to do, what should be done, a beautiful idol appeared from his body. The goddess who appeared said to Brahma, "O God, I am revealed from among you. Now please indicate my place and my deeds."
Prajapati Brahma said to her, "Your name will be 'Saraswati', you dwell on the tongues of all, especially on the tongues of well-educated people. You flow like a river on earth.
The goddess replied, "O God, you are saying that I will be on everyone's tongue, says I will dance on the tongues of well-educated people and also says that I will flow like a river - if you analyze the explanation.
✴ In reply, Brahma said, "Saraswati, when you are on the tongue of the people, the power of speech will emanate from the tongue of the people, so your name will be Bakdevi. You are holy from my mouth. You will not be happy. That is why you will be on the tongue of a well-educated person.
Devi said, "I will always abide in the tongues of those who worship the Most Beautiful God."
The person who is manifested in the inspiration of Goddess Saraswati to express the memory of creation in the heart of Adiguru Prajapati Brahma, always thinks of Lord Krishna as a deity. Goddess Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge, music and learning.
There are mainly two types of knowledge. (One) reading knowledge or mortal inert knowledge and (two) unreadable knowledge or knowledge related to Bhagavata. Due to the difference in the acquisition of this two knowledge, worship of Goddess Saraswati is of two types. One is readable Saraswati and the other is unreadable Saraswati.
🔯 Goddess Saraswati is called by different names in the Vedic scriptures. Brahmani, Bani, Bachi, Varneshwari, Shwetapushpa etc. Goddess Saraswati is seated in a white lotus, adorned with white flowers, dressed in white, and imitated in white scent. In his hand is a garland of white rudraksha. He practised white sandalwood. Goddess Saraswati is the best of mothers, rivers and goddesses.
Today this is my small dedication to Bani Bandana.
"O goddess Saraswati, I bow at your lotus feet."
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