◆Today we will know who is Brahmin? / What is Brahma knowledge?Characteristic of the paita used by Brahmins around their neck.
Bramhin is one "Barna"of the four "Barna" of Hinduism.In the tenth mandala of Rigveda, according to the description of ninety-nine purushasuktas, a Brahmin is born from the face of a man.It is said in the Mahabharata that the one who is virtuous and allied with the omnipotent, who has renounced lust, anger, greed and delusion, is a Brahmin.
Now we will know that the Paitya in the neck of a Brahmin has "nine" threads. These nine threads together are called " Nine Quality of Bhramhin".The reason is the nine times or greatness of the nine threads. Now let us know the greatness of these nine qualities.
1) * Sama gun or equal quality - Sam means equal. He who is a Brahmin will look at everyone with equal eyes.Who is high, who is low, who is index, who is shoemaker, there is no need to discriminate.
2) Dama Gun or supperess quality : - The word dama is to suppress or suppression.All the senses of one's body should be suppressed at all times.
3) Tapa gun or austerities quality: -Tapa means to do austerities. He who is a Brahmin should or should do austerities from time to time.
4) Shaucha guna or Defecation quality: - Defecation means purity. Mind and the body must be kept pure at all times.
5) Khanti guna or forgiveness quality : -Khanti means to forgive. Forgiveness is the ultimate religion, so whatever crime is committed in the eyes of a Brahmin, it should not be seen as a crime. Everyone should be seen in terms of forgiveness.
6) Aryanang guna or simple quality : - Aryanah means the feeling of simplicity. All the time you have to keep the feeling of simplicity inside yourself like a child.
7) Gyan guna or Knowledgeable quality : Knowledge means more knowledge on top of knowledge which is called Chaitanya knowledge. There must be knowledge of Chaitanya keeping silence inside. Whoever will be a Brahmin must have complete knowledge of Gita Bhagavat inside.
8) Baigyanic guna or Scientific quality : - Science means the greatest knowledge which is called the knowledge of Gita Bhagavat. This knowledge must be used and spread everywhere.
9) Astika guna or Believable quality : Believers and those who believe in religion or those who have unwavering faith in religion, those who have more and more full goodness inside them are called believers. Brahman must have this quality inside.
★The Brahmin is the one who has these qualities. If these qualities are inside a shoemaker, then he is also a Brahmin. If he is inside Vaishya, if he is inside Shudra, if he is inside Kshatriya, then he is also a Brahmin.But if these qualities and knowledge are not present in a Brahmin, but he is a Brahmin, "Brahman is not a possessor of knowledge or a Brahmin".
●Every Brahmin must first think that the Bramhin caste is the best of these four castes..But why did I come to the Brahmin coast today to be so cool and what should I do when I read it?
●Why only Brahmins? Wherever we are, where we are, where we are, where we are, where we were before? And why did we come to this world? After that or where will we go? And once we have arrived, what is our job now? What is our duty?
■You need to think about these and if you think about it, the answer will come out. And you will get this answer from Gurudev, Gita and Bhagavat. Among these four castes, the Brahmin clan is the best. In the same way, when punishment or punishment is meted out, the Brahmin has to get the best punishment as well. Suppose again - Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras - these four friends together committed a sin. But the division of sin will be four kinds in the case of four. And this Vaishya is a little wiser than Shudra so his share in the judgment of sin will be a little more. And Kshatriya is more wise so the share of sin will be a little more. And a Brahmin who has Brahman knowledge in him for whom the sin of Brahman will be the most.
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■Knowledge: - Lack of arrogance, lack of pride, non-violence, forgiveness, tolerance, simplicity, guru service, service to parents, restraint of mind, asceticism in all matters, not arrogance. All this is called knowledge, and if it is the opposite, it will be understood as ignorance.
●In the end, I will say one thing: Sattvaguna gives happiness to mankind by removing sorrow, Rajoguna makes mankind addicted to deeds, and Tamoguna covers mankind in the light of knowledge and leads them into delusion.
....This was today's matter: - "Quallites of Bramhin Religion"
✏written by Mrityunjoy Saha✏
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